Freelance web development services for Startups

Specializing in the design of static websites (Next, Astro, Gatsby ...), I support you at every stage of your web project. Design, Development, Maintenance.


My solution: Freedom & autonomy

Master your content, design, and hosting

Website (React)

Using the static rendering approach, it allows us to create ultra-fast and lightweight web pages while benefiting from excellent natural SEO. (Astro, Next, Gatsby...)


Maintain control of your content while benefiting from a powerful management tool. Easily scalable and accessible to your non-tech collaborators.


Host your static website in the cloud with just a few clicks and save money compared to traditional hosting. Plus, you can choose to host it wherever you prefer.



Most of the services I offer to my clients

Creation of editable websites with headless CMS

Ultra-fast static websites with Headless CMS (Prismic, Sanity, Contentful, etc.)

Development of new pages/sections on existing website

Let's add new types of content to your website

Migration from Webflow to React

Regain complete control of your content, with a Astro or Next.js website

Gatsby migration (end of life)

Prepare the migration to another framework before the end of life of Gatsby.js

Support and maintenance of Next, Astro, Gatsby websites

Bug fixes, website updates...

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